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Heimgartner Insurance Inc.

4708 Morningside Ave
Sioux City, IA 51106

Heimgartner Insurance Inc. Blog

New Asset? Here’s Why You Might Need Umbrella Insurance

When investing in a new asset like a car, a home, or even a boat, it’s natural to purchase insurance to ensure that the asset is covered in the event of an accident or another major event. However, not all coverage will provide comprehensive protection or cover you to the degree that you expect. Sometimes, you may need additional coverage, like umbrella insurance, to protect your new asset fully. But when do you need it, and why? Here’s the key reason to purchase umbrella insurance. When you’re ready, you can shop for umbrella insurance policies here with us at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA.

Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance If You’ve Purchased a New Asset

Some people may be able to purchase a major asset like a car or a home, and the insurance policy that they purchase to cover those assets will be sufficient to cover the whole cost of their assets and ensure that they’re able to replace it should they be ruined entirely by an accident or something else greatly impact it. However, not all assets will be able to be covered by the insurance policy that you choose. This is when you should consider umbrella insurance. Umbrella insurance gives you the additional coverage you need to cover your assets further when a traditional policy doesn’t do the job. This additional coverage will give you the peace of mind you deserve, knowing that you’re fully protected and financially supported should anything happen to your new investment.

Get Quality Umbrella Insurance With Heimgartner Insurance Inc

Did you recently purchase a new asset that requires additional insurance coverage? Compare quotes with us now at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, or contact us with any questions!

Can I Drive a New Car With Liability Only Auto Insurance?

You’ll need car insurance if you’re in the market for a new car. While some people opt for liability-only car insurance for their new vehicle, this isn’t suitable for everyone. At Heimgartner Insurance Inc., serving Sioux City, IA, we can help you find the right type of auto insurance for you. We work with numerous insurance carriers and can assist you in finding the right policy. Here’s what you need to know.

Understanding Liability Only Car Insurance

Liability-only car insurance covers repairing or replacing the other driver’s vehicle if you cause a car accident. However, it will not pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it sustains damage.

Can You Drive a New Car With Liability Only Insurance?

While liability-only car insurance meets the minimum requirements to drive on the road, those who finance a car are usually required to have more than just liability insurance. If you’re buying a new car with a loan, check with your lender to find out how much insurance you’re required to have. Most lenders require car buyers to get full coverage car insurance.

What Is Full Coverage Insurance?

Full-coverage car insurance pays to repair or replace your vehicle when various covered events occur. It combines several other types of car insurance, including liability only.

How Can I Get Full Coverage or Liability Only Auto Insurance?

If you need liability-only or full coverage car insurance, the professionals at Heimgartner Insurance Inc., serving Sioux City, IA, can help. We offer a variety of insurance options for our customers. Call today to schedule an appointment.

How to use life insurance to plan for your family’s financial future.

At Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, we understand that most people prefer not to think about death. However, we know that it’s a certainty of life. A life insurance policy is an excellent way to provide financial support to your family when you’re gone, ensuring their well-being and securing their financial futures.

Life insurance policies come in many forms, each with specific benefits. We can inform you about each type and ensure you have the best long-term policy to protect your family.

A life insurance policy helps you prepare for the unexpected. If you or a loved one is no longer here to provide income for your home, a life insurance policy will help maintain your lifestyle and cover expenses that would have been funded if you or your loved one were still present.

When planning for the amount of life insurance you’ll need to protect your family, consider the following:

  • How much will it cost to pay off your home’s mortgage?
  • What will the cost be to pay for your child’s education expenses?
  • How much income will it take for your loved ones to maintain their current standard of living for the next seven to twelve years without your income in the home?
  • How much should you leave your family to settle any outstanding medical expenses you may have?

Life insurance is also a powerful wealth-building tool that can set your family up for success for generations to come.

Learn More About Life Insurance

We can help you learn more about the benefits of life insurance policies and the benefits of each type of policy we offer. Call us at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, at (712) 226-3853.

5 factors that make classic car insurance different

At Heimgartner Insurance Inc., we are pleased to offer vehicle insurance for many kinds of cars and trucks in the Sioux City, IA, area. We insure new cars, old trucks, luxury automobiles, and classics.

Coverage for each has its nuances; classic cars fall into a category of their own.

What makes a car a classic?

Generally, a classic car is one that is 25 years or older. However, age may not be the only determining factor in what makes a classic.

Five Factors That Impact Classic Car Insurance

  1. It’s real value. Classic car values can range widely. Classic car owners often work with their auto insurance provider to secure coverage that is acceptable to both.
  2. Classic cars are driven less. Their owners rarely use them as daily drivers. They will avoid poor weather and may even trailer their classics to car shows or parades. Less miles driven equals fewer opportunities for accidents.
  3. They are often stored more securely. You will rarely see a classic car parked uncovered in a driveway. Owners will frequently take steps to store them more securely than other vehicles.
  4. They may have salvage value. When some cars are totaled in an accident, the insurer will often take possession and scrap the vehicle. Classic car policies may have a provision allowing the insured to take possession and salvage a classic car following a significant accident.
  5. Different factors may impact value. The value of a classic can be affected by its age, rarity, engine size, and how meticulously it has been restored.

Get a Classic Car Quote in Iowa

If you have or are considering the purchase of a classic car and live in the Sioux City, IA, area, we invite you to contact us at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. We will be happy to discuss your vehicle and secure appropriate coverage. We look forward to working with you.

What is additional living expense coverage on a renter’s insurance policy?

At Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, we understand that many renters mistakenly believe their landlord’s homeowner or commercial insurance will cover them and their belongings in the event of a fire or other incident. This is not the case. A landlord’s coverage only covers the structure of the residence. This leaves you responsible for purchasing new contents and finding temporary housing after an unfortunate event against your rented home. That’s why it’s essential to have a renter’s insurance policy. After defining a renter’s policy, we will explain the usefulness of additional living expense coverage as part of that policy.

What is a Renter’s Insurance Policy?

A renter’s insurance policy covers your contents in case of a covered incident such as a fire, windstorm, lightning, theft, or internal explosion. You purchase coverage that closely relates to the amount of money it would take to buy all new personal property if there was a total loss.

Additionally, a renter’s policy will cover you in case of liability in case someone is injured in your residence due to an accident, such as a trip and fall. Renters liability also protects you if you are found liable for causing a fire that damages your residence structure or the contents of neighboring property.

What is ALE Coverage?

Renters insurance also includes additional living expense (ALE) coverage. This coverage covers you as a renter when you have to pay extra costs related to being displaced by a covered peril that caused damage to your home or apartment.

While your rental is being repaired or rebuilt, ALE will pay up to a certain percentage of your renter’s content coverage (up to 30%) to help you with the extra cost of being out of your home. ALE will reimburse you for the following:

  • Housing: The temporary cost of a short-term rental, hotel, or apartment.
  • Food costs: Extra expenses related to food such as takeout, restaurant, or grocery bills.
  • Travel expenses: The added cost of gas, Uber, or public transportation to get you to and from work when it exceeds your average travel distance.
  • Storage Fees: The cost of holding the property you were able to save from the covered incident while being displaced from home.
  • Laundry: Cost of doing laundry while your home is restored or rebuilt.
  • Pet Fees: The cost of boarding your family pets after an incident while displaced from your home.

ALE typically reimburses you for expenses up to 12 months. However, depending on the circumstances of the rebuild, some policies may extend it to 24 months. So, be sure to keep your receipts.

Give us a call today.

For more information about renter’s insurance and what is covered under the policy’s ALE section, call Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, at (712) 226-3853.

Do You Need Motorcycle Insurance Year Round?

If you own a motorcycle in the Sioux City, IA, area, you are likely aware that riding all year round is challenging due to the winter weather, which makes roads icy and dangerous. However, the fact that your bike is parked and stored during harsh weather conditions doesn’t mean you should skip insurance. Heimgartner Insurance, Inc. can answer your motorcycle insurance queries and help give you peace of mind.

Keeping your bike insured, even when not in use, can protect you from other losses, such as theft. The kind of coverage you have for your motorcycle is vital. That’s why it’s important to work with one of our trusted agents who can provide quotes from multiple insurers, making it convenient for you to explore your options and make an informed decision.

If you have any questions regarding a specific policy, we are more than happy to answer them and adjust your policy as necessary. Some policies offer reduced or different types of coverage for a motorcycle in storage, which could be a suitable option if you don’t ride for several months in a year. Regardless of what you choose, it’s crucial that your bike is adequately protected.

Do reach out to us today at Heimgartner Insurance, Inc., if you live in the Sioux City, IA, area and are looking for a motorcycle insurance policy. Our dedicated agents are ready to assist you in securing what best suits your needs and lifestyle, ensuring you are comfortable with the coverage you select.

How to Keep Your Boat Passengers Safe on the Water

Owning a boat is a beautiful way to connect with nature, spend time outdoors, and have fun with friends and family. You must keep your passengers safe to ensure everyone is always having a good time on your boat. Here at Heimgartner Insurance Inc., serving Sioux City, IA, and the surrounding areas, we always want to help customers find ways to cut down on risks. Here are a few tips to increase your boat’s safety. 

Life Jackets for All Passengers

One of the most important things you can do for your passengers is to ensure that everyone on board consistently has appropriately sized life jackets. Boat owners are sometimes tempted to skip this step, especially if they think everyone on board is a strong swimmer. The danger is that a strong swimmer can go into the water, injured or unconscious. In that situation, the individual must have a life jacket on to stay safe until they can be retrieved from the water. 

First Aid Kits

Having a properly stocked first aid kit is another step you can take to ensure your passengers stay safe while on your boat. Accidents happen both out of the water and in the water. A first aid kit will provide you with the proper supplies to handle many injuries until you can get your passenger to land and get further treatment. 

Proper Insurance 

Having your boat adequately insured is one way to protect yourself from expensive liabilities if someone gets injured on your boat. Without insurance coverage, you could face out-of-pocket medical treatment expenses following an injury. 

If you’d like to learn more about boat insurance, please get in touch with us at Heimgartner Insurance Inc., serving Sioux City, IA, and the surrounding areas. 

Get More Liability Coverage With an Umbrella Insurance Policy

Many people have home and auto insurance. These are rather common policies, with various coverage types included in each. However, many home and auto policies don’t carry much liability protection. To increase your liability coverage, you can get an umbrella insurance policy. Contact Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, to obtain insurance.

What Is Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance is a complementary policy that works alongside your home and auto policies. It increases the liability protection on both these policies simultaneously. In the event of an accident at your home or involving your vehicle, you could be left with significant damages to pay. If you lack adequate liability coverage, you would personally have to cover any outstanding expenses after your insurance policy has paid its share. These excess costs could be extreme, and you may need to sell off assets to cover them after a severe accident. When an accident occurs, the home or auto insurance comes into play, paying until it reaches its limit. Afterward, your umbrella insurance steps in to cover the balance.

Save Money With Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella policies have very high maximum payouts, but they don’t cost much. It’s significantly less expensive to get an umbrella insurance policy than adding it directly to your home and auto policies. This saves you money while giving you more robust protection against the high cost of medical bills if an accident happens.

Get Umbrella Insurance in Iowa

Call Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, to get your umbrella policy or to learn more about it.

The Role of Comprehensive and Collision Coverage in Auto Insurance

Comprehensive and collision coverages, often overlooked, are crucial for your peace of mind. They pay for repairs to your vehicle after an accident. Collision covers repairs after you have collided with another car, building, tree, fence, or other still objects. Comprehensive (sometimes referred to as ‘other than collision’) takes care of damage to your car caused by incidents such as vandalism, hail damage, theft, fire, flood, tree damage (falling on the vehicle), running into a deer, and more.

Comprehensive and collision aren’t coverages required by Iowa law to operate a motor vehicle in the state legally. However, a lienholder may need additional coverage when leasing or financing your automobile until it is paid off. Even after paying off your vehicle, you may consider carrying comprehensive and collision on your auto insurance to have extra coverage and give you peace of mind when the unthinkable happens. Our licensed agents at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, can help you consider your options and make the best decision.

In Iowa, you are only required by law to carry liability insurance. Liability covers repairs to the property of others and their bodily injuries up to the dollar amount purchased on the policy when you are found liable for causing an accident. However, none of that takes care of your vehicle repairs after an accident where you are found at fault for the accident, nor does it give you the ability to have insurance help with repairs if you’re in a single-car incident. Therefore, having comprehensive and collision insurance to fill these gaps in your coverage can be very useful.

For More Information

For more information on comprehensive and collision coverage, coverage deductibles, and premium details, contact your friendly agents at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA. Call us today at (712) 226-3853. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you meet your auto insurance needs.

The Basics of Term Life Insurance Policies

The two kinds of life insurance, whole life and term life, work very differently from each other. Term life is a popular type of life policy that has its advantages and disadvantages. These policies are popular among people from all walks of life who want to leave something behind for their loved ones. When you have people depending on you, make sure you have life insurance in place. Contact us at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA to get started.

The Policy’s Term

The name of this type of policy comes from the number of years that the policy has stayed good. At the beginning of a term life policy, several years is set for the policy to be in effect. Then, the policyholder has coverage during those years. At the end of the term, the policy expires. After this happens, you have to get a new life insurance policy to become covered again. Unlike a whole-life policy, this type of policy has an apparent lifespan, making some people not want this kind of insurance. It’s a disadvantage, but term life also has a big advantage.

Budget Pricing

One of the reasons so many people choose term life policies is that they are the most affordable type. Term life policies generally come with a lower price tag because they expire and won’t necessarily be there when people get to be elderly. Term life policyholders lock in a low rate while they’re younger and then keep the policy through the end of the term. The less expensive choice in life insurance is often the one that people can afford to include in their budgets. 

Get Term Life Insurance 

When you need a term life policy, we can help. Call Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA.

Partner Carriers

  • Aetna
  • Allstate
  • American Modern
  • Condon & Skelly
  • Encompass
  • Farmers Mutual Hail
  • Foremost
  • Grinnell Mutual
  • Humana
  • Liberty Mutual
  • MetLife
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • Progressive
  • Silver Scripts
  • Travelers
  • WellCare